The Creator is Turtally amazing!

First of all; I want to give thanks and praise to the Lord Almighty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!

The Creator is Turtally amazing!

You are probably wondering why I chose this title for this blog; am I right?

Did I misspell "Totally"? No.

What do I mean by Turtally.

Well as you read along you will understand. 

I want to share with you my turtle journey. Because I cant share with you my "total" journey. LOL

So, Yess!!! This blog is about Turtles and I hope you enjoy it. Come along and journey with me.  

I remember the first time I got to see a real live turtle it was at my home in N.J. My dad went to the shores with a couple of friends and they found a turtle and brought it to our house to show it to us. When I saw it at first I was scared and did not want to touch it. He placed it on the floor and I was amazed by it. He wanted to keep it so we stayed with it for some time. I don't remember what happened to it after. 

In P.R. we also had turtles as pets.

Now as a child in school, they taught us lots of facts about turtles and how during the nesting season Sea Turtles lay on land between six to ten clutches of eggs and then leave them, this is because their eggs can only survive on land. Baby sea turtles breathe through their eggs before hatching. Oxygen passes through the eggshell and membrane, a thin barrier surrounding the turtle. The number of eggs in a turtle's nest, known as a clutch, varies depending on the species and size of the turtle, a clutch will contain between 80-180 eggs. Most species lay eggs once a year, and a few species lay every other year and some species lay more than twice in a single nesting season.  Amazing right!

I remember the story of: "The Tortoise and the Hare". 

And I even loved the movie of the Ninja Turtles

My passion and love for turtles grew and grew each day. Every time I go to a park or for a walk I get to see one and they still amaze me. I feel that it comforts me just to see them walking slowly protected by their shell in this dangerous world. Every time I went to Sea World or Epcot Disney the first thing I wanted to go see was a turtle I felt peace while they were swimming around manatees or Sharks and other species of living creatures in those big man-made tanks. 

It's amazing how turtles get to explore land and water. Most species are aquatic living in bodies of water ranging from small ponds and bogs to large lakes and rivers. Even though their habitat is mostly in the water they also have the ability to discover land. They're always on a journey and don't know where to.

I wanted to know; why I was so intrigued by these creatures and I read that they symbolize several characteristics including Longevity, Perseverance, Steadfastness, Protection, Retreat, Healing, Tranquility, The Earth, and Transformation.

They are seen as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge and they can defend themselves on their own.

The green turtles symbolize good health and in many places even good luck. In my opinion, I don't believe in "good luck", to each their own. I believe in God's blessings. 

They also represent physical and emotional healing, vitality, and optimism. 

Depending on the culture they have different representations. The one that impacts me the most is the Chinese culture. 

In China, people consider the turtle shell as the sign of heaven and its flat underside part as the Earth. So, turtles carry the secrets of both. For the Chinese people, turtles represent wisdom as they are symbols of earth powers. It reminds them to stay grounded and focused. 

Turtles also symbolize vitality and patience. The four small legs of the animal signify the four corners of the world. So it is believed that turtles carry the weight of the world.

In Egypt, the various art depictions of turtles in ancient Egypt show that the animal is symbolic of patience and wisdom. Due to their long life, they are signs of knowledge and stability. The turtle shell signifies protection and contemplation

Everything in life has a purpose and a meaning we just need to start looking at things in a positive way to understand what God wants to say or even show us. 

Sometimes we ask God to talk to us. And He does, through His Creation. It's just that we are so distracted and focused on So many things that we can't see the signs that are in front of us. Sometimes we don't even understand. We are in such a hurry sometimes that we can't focus on what God is trying to tell us, that's why we get sick, feel miserable, and even lost.

I want to share my experience with you. 

How God has talked to me through signs and what have I learned from the turtle.

There was this one occasion when I was not feeling well, I was physically exhausted not sleepy but tired and I just wanted to lay in my bed. My husband was getting ready to go and pick up my daughter Angela from school. My daughter Sara was in her room she did not have school that day. 

While I was lying in my bed I started meditating, praying, and giving thanks to God for He is so wonderful. I was praying for my health and for my family's wellness and protection. Tears were coming out of my eyes because I felt blessed. All of a sudden while my husband was heading out the door he started shouting; Daisy come and see what I found; I got out of my bed and started praising the Lord, for it was a tortoise 🐢 that he had found in front of my car and brought inside. I was surprised!!! I wanted to keep it. My daughter Sara was scared she did not want to touch it. My husband left the house on his way to pick Angela up from school. 

Sara and I watched the turtle while it walked the living room and kitchen searching for a way out.

Poor 🐢 was scared. I really wanted to keep it. 

I decided to fill the tub with just a little water, enough to cover at least half of its body. I felt that it was exhausted and thirsty in search of a cool place since it was so hot that day. I wanted to make sure the water was at a nice cool temperature. I made sure it was lukewarm. I did not want the 🐢 to feel uncomfortable.

The 🐢 started to do its necessities in my tub. And I said; oh no!!! Then I understood that I made it nervous and that I should let it go. 

I felt God's blessing that day. God wanted to show me that he accepted my prayer 🙏. He understands what we are going through and He will always be present in the times of need. 

He is so 😍 amazing that he shows us His love through His Creation. He knows how much I love turtles and with this, he demonstrated his Love for me. 

He wants us to be joyful, not sad. Just like this turtle 🐢 sometimes we feel uncomfortable and lost. God always has a safe area to place us in and wants us to feel comfortable too.

There was this other time when I was Ubering and had left a person at the set destination and was on my way to pick up another person. I had like 20 minutes to get to the person and on my way out I was meditating and telling God how I felt. 

I really felt tired and as if I were dragging myself to continue my work journey. I did not want to work that day but I have the responsibility of doing so. 

As I was heading out I wanted to hurry to make my goal that day so I could get home early and rest, when all of a sudden, I had to 🛑 STOP. A turtle was crossing and I did not want to be the cause of it's death. As I watched it cross I understood that God was telling me to take it easy that He has everything under control. Just like that turtle we drag ourselves in this life. We are carrying the weight of so many things on our shoulders just like the 🐢 it carries the weight of its shell. But without that shell it can't live. That shell is what protects it.

Sometimes the situations that occur in our life are for a good reason. We don't understand sometimes certain situations that pop up in our lives but we have to keep moving forward and at the same time we need to take it easy.  

We have so much to learn from the  turtles and one of the lessons they give us is: that they have the ability to stay grounded even in the moments of chaos and disturbance. Another one is that we need to slow down and pace ourselves. 

Patience is 🗝️ key to life. We are in a rush most of the time and that's a reason we get ourselves into trouble. We need to take time to meditate, focus and think things through. Of course we need to get certain things done in our life to be able to succeed and for that we need to take time to organize ourselves and make sure we are on the right path in life's journey. 

Another thing I understood that day is that just like the shell is the protection of the tortoise we have God's protection and approval as long as we do things the right way. 

We have to be determined and persistent just like the tortoise along the way we are weak inside but strong in the outside not with our strength but with God's protection we are strong.

Philippians 4:6,7 

v.6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, by thanksgiving present your request to God. v.7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 4:11-13 

v.11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. v.12 I know what is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. v.13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

The turtle represents emotional strength and understanding.  

When you look at a turtle or any of the creations that Our Lord created spiritually, you will probably understand what God is trying to tell you in life. 

Now the shell of the turtle for me represents a shield. The main benefit of the shell is to protect turtles from predators.

Ephesians 6:16

"In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one. 

Romans 10:17 

So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Faith is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

Galatians 5:22, 23

v. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness v.23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.

Hebrew 11:1 

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

Just like the shell covers the turtle, faith in the word of God covers us and brings us peace and joy. His word covers us in moments of chaos.

The shell is like a shield. A shield is used as an armor of defense. For protection against the enemy's weapon. As it represents faith in the word of God. We need to use God's word against all darts of flame. 

There is an African folktale about the tortoise and the bullying giraffe.  

Tortoise and giraffe met one day. Giraffe began teasing the tortoise and said: "At once I could trample you to death". Tortoise, being afraid, remained silent. The giraffe said, "At once I could swallow you". Tortoise said nothing to this. 

Giraffe became upset with the tortoise's silence and Giraffe swallowed the tortoise, but the tortoise stuck in the giraffe's throat causing him to choke to death. When Giraffe was dead, the tortoise crawled out went home to family, and shouted, "Giraffe is dead"! Then they went and fed for a whole year on the remains of the Giraffe.

Sometimes we need to get out of the shell and speak up. It's not fighting back. It's knowing how to stand up for yourself and stay grounded. But there will be times when you just need to stay confident in your shell.

In his word, we find wisdom in times of need. God speaks to us in so many ways even throughout his creation. A great example of this is in the books of Job 38 and Proverbs.

Proverbs 6:6-8

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

Proverbs 30:24-28

There are four things which are little on the earth, But they are exceedingly wise: 

The ants are a people not strong, Yet they prepare their food in the summer; 

The rock badgers are feeble folk, Yet they make their homes in the crags; 

The Locust have no king, Yet they all advance in ranks; 

The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, And it is in kings palaces.

See! God has His ways of teaching us life lessons. Even the Bible confirms that he speaks to us and teaches us through his Creation. 

Most turtles are of green color.

Green represents:

Nature, growth, harmony, wealth, and stability.

I remember one Christmas Day my uncle gifted my sister's and me dolls. Pink, purple, and Green. They gave me the green one. I felt very sad because I felt like an ugly duckling. If I had known what green truly represented, I would have probably been more joyful and thankful. the enemy enjoys making you feel useless and excluded. 

The Bible says clearly: 

John 10:10

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

The enemy wants you to see things in a depressive way he likes making you feel awful and gross. 

I believed that green was for witches

Even the Grinch is green,... Lol!

We have to change all negative thoughts into positive ones. In other words, I have learned that is not what they present to you, it's how you see things. 

We have the power to change all negativity into positivity. Let's look at things from a different perspective, from a different angle. 

Mathew 5:16

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 


Quote by Wilfred Peterson

The world needs less heat and more light. It needs less of the heat of anger, revenge, and retaliation, and more of the light of ideas, faith, courage, aspiration, joy, love, and hope. 

Romans 8:24, 25

v.24 For in this hope, we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?

v.25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait patiently. 

Three short lessons. 

1. Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, all people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's faith.

2. When you toss a one-year-old baby in the air, he laughs because he knows his dad will catch him. That's trust. 

3. Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive the next morning, but still, we set an alarm for tomorrow. That's hope. 

Wisdom of a Sea Turtle

Travel at your own pace

Trust the flow

Stay calm under pressure

Enjoy time alone

Be comfortable in your own shell 

Spend more time at the beach

Keep moving forward

We don't know what to expect in life's journey but we got to go with the flow. 

1 Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.


Romans 5:5

And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Psalm 5:11, 12 

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;

let them ever sing for joy.

Spread your protection over them, 

that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous;

you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Love is what gives you the strength to continue. God's love is turtally for all those, who love Him. 

Hope you enjoyed this blog, if so, please share and leave a comment. I would like to hear about your experience in life. How do you find peace and joy?


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